N5PA Propagation Page

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Solar Indicies
Solar Flux: 140Sunspot#: 107HF IndicatorsVHF Indicators
A-Index: 6 ApK-Index: 1 KpBandDayNightItemStatus
Geomag Fld: VR QUIETSig Noise: S0-S180m-40mFairGoodAurora: Band Closed
X-Ray:C1.0Solar Wind: 451.4 KM/Sec30m-20mGoodGood2m EU Es: Band Closed
Flare Class: CProton Flux: 48 keV17m-15mGoodGood2m NA Es: Band Closed
Electron Flux: 1790 keVMagnetic Fld: BZ: 3.9nT12m-10mFairPoor6m Eu Es: Band Closed
Aurora: 2/n=1.99Aurora Lat:66.5°304A: 139.7 @ SEM4m EU Es: Band Closed
MUF: NoRptMHzfoF2: MHzMUF Factor: MHz
Solar Data Provided by N0NBH

Current Solar Conditions

XRay Flare Class: C   Moderate
Geomagnetic Field: 1   Quiet

U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center

3-Day Solar Forecast

U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center

27-Day Solar Forecast

Latest CME Model (Goddard)


Space Weather Overview

Space Weather Overview

Space Weather Alerts and Warnings Timeline
Space Wx Alerts

Latest Observations

Global Real Time Ionospheric foF2 Map


Sunspot/Flux Chart


NOAA Geophysical Alert Chart


SolarMonitor.org - Numbered Sunspot Regions and Plages

Numbered Sunspots

Time and Date - Gray Line Map

Gray Line Map
Click on Map to see Larger View.

Latest Picture of Sun
Latest Picture of the Sun
      SDO/HMI Continuum Image
SDO/HMI Continuum Image
Click for SOHO EIT 193 of the Sun
      Solar Synoptic Map
Click for Solar Synoptic Map
HMI Magnetogram
Click for HMI Magnetogram image of the Sun
      AIA 211
Click for AIA 211 image of the Sun

Solar Cycle Progression
Solar Cycle Progression
      Solar Indices by Month for Last 5 Years

Solar Lists & Charts
Solar Cycle 10.7cm Radio Flux Progression
Solar Cycle 10.7cm Radio Flux Progression
      Solar Cycle Ap Progression
Ap Progression
Estimated Planetary Kp - 3 days/3 hourly
Estimated Planetary Kp - 3 days, 3-hourly values
      Boulder-NOAA Magnetometer - 12 hours/1-min
Boulder-NOAA Magnetometer - 12 hours, 1-min data

Auroral Activity Extrapolated from NOAA POES

Northern Hemi Auroral Map
Current Northern hemispheric power input map
Southern Hemi Auroral Map
Current Southern hemispheric power input map

Instruments on board the NOAA Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) continually monitor the power flux carried by the protons and electrons that produce aurora in the atmosphere. SWPC has developed a technique that uses the power flux observations obtained during a single pass of the satellite over a polar region (which takes about 25 minutes) to estimate the total power deposited in an entire polar region by these auroral particles. The power input estimate is converted to an auroral activity index that ranges from 1 to 10.

Geomagnetic Indices and Conditions

Kp IndexAp IndexGeomagnetic Field ConditionsHF NoiseAurora
00 - 2Very QuietS1-S2None
13 - 5QuietS1-S2Very Low
26 - 9QuietS1-S2Very Low
312 - 18UnsettledS2-S3Low
422 - 32ActiveS3-S4Moderate
539 - 56MINOR StormS4-S6High
667 - 94MAJOR StormS6-S9Very High
7111 -154SEVERE StormS9+Very High
8179 -236SEVERE StormBlackoutExtreme
9300 -400EXTREMELY SEVEREBlackoutExtreme

Kp - Planetary K-index, averaged over past 3 hours and tends to be a measure of current conditions

Ap - Planetary A-index, 24-hour average and represents overall geomagnetic field conditions for the UTC day

HF Noise - Approximate "S-meter" noise level <10 MHz

Aurora- Approximate level of auroral activity

Solar Wind-averages 350-450 km/sec and density <10 p/cm^3 >500 km/sec or high density can trigger geomagnetic activity

Shock Wave- from a solar flare or Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) arrives at the Earth about 55 hours after the solar event.

Solar Flare Classifications

Flare ClassType of FlareHF Radio EffectsResulting Geomagnetic Storm
A Very small None None
B Small None None
C Moderate * Low absorption * Active to Minor
M Large * High absorption * Minor to Major
X Extreme * Possible blackout * Major to Severe

(*) - Conditions cited if Earth is in trajectory of flare emissions

Flare class further rated from 1-9, ex. M1, M2, M3 ... M9

The larger the number, the larger the flare within that class

An X7 - X9 is considered a "Grand daddy" flare. Only a few have occured over the past 30 years, causing total dispruption to communications, huge aurora's, power grid failures, etc.
Radio and x-ray emissions from a flare effect the Earth for the duration of the solar event, usually 30 minutes or less.

Earth is 8 light-minutes from the Sun.

Sunspot/Active Region Classifications

Sunspot Class Description of the Active Region Potential for Flare Activity
Alpha Unorganized, unipolar magnetic fields Little threat, but watched for growth
Beta Bipolar magnetic fields between sun spotsC class flares and possible large M class
Delta Strong, compact bipolar fields between spots High potential for a M or X class major flare Major Flare Alert issued