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***Notice*** I request a SASE for all WAS/VUCC card requests! I receive a lotof cards every day. DX cards are ok direct with a SASE, via the bureau, or I am 100% on LOTW!

I have been a ham most of my life and I am a Life Member of the ARRL. I moved to Jones County from Edmond, Oklahoma in November 1999. I moved to my current QTH just outside Ellisville, MS in April 2007. I started over on my DXCC and other awards after getting back on the air in January of 2000. I now have 324 current countries confirmed, 324 total countries confirmed, and 1,616 DXCC Challenge countries and I have my 5-Band DXCC. I have DXCC on 80 through 10 meters and I am mainly working on 160 and 6 meters now. I have my WAS and my VUCC. I live in the Northwest corner of Grid Square EM51jo.

Hope to work you on the bands! Good DX!

Amateur Headlines

Get On the Air for the ARRL International DX Contest -

We’re seeing peak conditions from Solar Cycle 25 just in time for the ARRL International DX SSB Contest. It gets underway this weekend at 0000 UTC on Saturday, March 1, and concludes at 2359 UTC on Sunday, March 2. 

ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE, is gearing up to operate as part of a multi-operator, single-transmitter station for the event. He is eager to get started. “This is...

The ARRL Solar Report -

A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) associated with a filament eruption
became visible on February 26 at 1448 UTC.  Model analysis
determined this CME to be a miss ahead of the Sun/Earth line.

Unsettled to active levels are likely on February 28 to March 1 as a
Coronal Hole influence continues, and a glancing blow is possible
from a Coronal Mass Ejection that occurred on February 25.

Solar activity is fore...

Colorado High School Students Visit the Plishner Radio Astronomy and Space Sciences Center -

In late January 2025, 17 students and staff members from Las Animas High School (LAHS) in Colorado visited the Deep Space Exploration Society Radio Telescope (DSES) located at the Plishner Radio Astronomy and Space Sciences Center near Haswell, Colorado. They also got an introduction to amateur radio.

“This first field trip visit of high school students reflected the dreams of Michael Lowe, form...

ARRL’s “On the Air Live” Continues to Grow -

ARRL is equipping the next generation of radio amateurs with the knowledge to get active on the air. “On the Air Live” is a monthly interactive webinar series that does deep-dives into topics aimed at the new and intermediate ham. It complements material found in On the Air magazine. February’s event had nearly 130 people in attendance. 

The events are hosted by ARRL Education Specialist Wayne G...

The ARRL Solar Report -

Solar activity is expected to range from low to moderate levels
through March 15.  There is a varying chance for R1 or R2 (Minor or
Moderate) events, and a slight chance for R3 or greater events.

Geomagnetic field activity is likely to reach G1 (Minor) levels on
February 28, March 9, and March 12 to 14.  Active levels are
predicted for March 1. Quiet, and quiet to unsettled conditions are
expected to...

Bob Buus, W2OD, ARRL Northern New Jersey Section Manager, Silent Key -

Robert “Bob” Buus, W2OD, passed away on February 18, 2025. He has served as the ARRL Northern New Jersey Section Manager since 2020. Buus served as an Assistant Section Manager, Emergency Coordinator, and Net Manager prior to his appointment. 

Buus was born in Minnesota and was first licensed in 1950. He graduated from the University of North Dakota with a degree in electrical engineering. He wo...

More Seats Available for On the Air Live -

Due to significant demand, ARRL has expanded the number of available spots for this month’s On the Air Live, an online training session linked to content in the current issue of On the Air magazine. The program quickly reached its original capacity. The live event will be hosted by ARRL Education Specialist Wayne Greene, KB4DSF.

“It is a good problem to have,” said ARRL Education and Learning Ma...

High School and a Sci-Fi Movie Spark Interest in Amateur Radio -

Steve Schickel was a young high school student in the late ’80s and was introduced to amateur radio through his electronics classes. He also spent time working at a local RadioShack and watching science fiction movies at a nearby theater in his hometown of Pensacola, Florida.

Amateur radio’s next biggest influence on Steve came in 1997, on opening night of the movie “Contact,” about a scientist ...

Changes in the ARRL Iowa Section -

Election results have been finalized in the ARRL Iowa Section. Barry Buelow, WØIY, received 283 votes, defeating incumbent Leilia Garner, WAØUIG, who received 146 votes.

Buelow, of Cedar Point, will assume Section Manager duties on April 1. Buelow is a veteran of the United States Air Force and has worked in aerospace engineering. He has served on the ARRL National Convention Committee and is a ...

YLRL Scholarships Available for Students -
DX Opportunities Abound Around ARRL International DX Contest -

With Solar Cycle 25 still at peak conditions, and several popular contests this time of year, there have been some interesting, if not totally rare, DX opportunities on the HF bands. Spots have been flying on DX club email reflectors this week. VK9XU on Christmas Island, V73WW on Marshall Island, 5N9DTG in Nigeria, KH7AL/KH9 on Wake Island, and 7Q2MM in Malawi have all been noted, among many ot...

ARRL Headquarters will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 -

ARRL Headquarters will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of President’s Day. There won't be any W1AW bulletins or code practice that day. ARRL HQ will reopen on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 8 AM EST.

The ARRL Solar Report -

NOAA reports a G1 (Minor) geomagnetic Storm Watch has been issued
for 14 Feb, 2025. A coronal hole high speed stream is expected to
move into a position favorable for enhanced interaction between the
high speed stream and Earth's magnetosphere. These enhancements are
likely to cause elevated geomagnetic responses, with G1 (Minor)
storm levels likely.

From Spaceweather.com: Another solar wind stream i...

RigExpert’s Administrative Office Destroyed in Russian Missile Attack — Production Remains Intact -

On February 12, 2025, RigExpert’s administrative office, in Kyiv, Ukraine, was destroyed by a Russian ballistic missile. All employees are reported to be safe.

RigExpert is a leading manufacturer of antenna and cable analyzers and officials said they are committed to restoring operations as soon as possible.

“Our top priority is the safety of our team and the continuity of our operations,” said A...

Grant will Help Young Amateur Radio Operators Become Contesters -

A $10,000 grant to the University of Scranton, from the Frankford Radio Club (FRC)in Pennsylvania, will support the development of a contest dashboard that will leverage the popularity of amateur radio operator contests to benefit science, technology, students and Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) community members.

Through the grant, a team of university students, faculty, and FR...

My Ham Radio Station consists of the following equipment:

Here are links to my DXCC, WAZ, WAS, and VUCC total:
Click here for my DXCC Totals
Click here for my Needed DXCC Totals
Click here for my WAZ Totals
Click here for my WAS Totals
Click here for my VUCC Totals