Yaesu FT-625RD 6-Meter Transceiver
Yaesu FT-625RD 6-Meter Transceiver
The "Magic Band", 6-Meters! This band still remains one of the most fun bands to operate. It takes a lot of time to sit and listen for band openings, but when it does open, the fun begins! I got this Yaesu FT-625RD back in the late 70's or early 80's, I truly cannot remember, but I have had it a long time. I wish I still had the logbook and especially the QSL cards from all the contacts and countries I worked with this rig, running just 25 watts. The Yaesu FT-625RD is a 6 meter multi-mode transceiver that operates in SSB, CW, FM and AM modes. Power output is: 25 watts SSB/CW/FM and 8 watts in the AM mode. Frequency coverage is 50 to 54 MHz. It has a noise blanker, speaker and three way analog meter (S Meter/Power Out/FM Discriminator). It also has a digital frequency display that is accurate down to to 100 kHz. I will be honest, it does not get the use today that it used to. I have been using my Icom IC-706 MKIIG for a number of years because the receiver is so much better. Plus the Icom is putting out 100 watts. I remember working Africa with the Yaesu and that was a huge event in my VHF/UHF career. Over the years I have been in on openings that rivaled 20 meters during a CQWW Contest. It is just a lot of fun. I know it scares a lot of Technician Class operators away because down in the DX part of the band a lot of folks work CW. Africa is the best DX I had with the Yaesu, even though I was able to work into Europe, Carabbean, and South America with it. But my best DX ever came on 18-November-2001, when I worked JH8DBJ on 6-Meter CW from Grid QN13. That was 6,244 Miles (10,049 Kilometers) on 6-Meters! I am as proud of that QSL card as any I have. There was a similar rig made, the 625R. The 625R was an analog frequency dial only, without the digital frequency display like the 625RD. There was also a FT-225RD version for 2-Meters. Here are some of the features of the Yaesu FT-625RD:
Yaesu FT-625RD Features:
- 25 Watts Output
- Optional Memory Unit
- External Tone Input Jack
- Analog and Digital Readout
- S/PO/FM Meter
- Noise Blanker
- FM/SSB/CW/AM Modes
- 117 VAC or 13.5 VDC
- Variable Power Output
- Built-in Speaker
- Semi-break in